Thursday, October 7, 2010

Post # 2 "Myths"

            Reed, The author of "Singing Civil Rights: The Freedom Song Tradition," speaks of 'myths' that in his opinion are popular misconceptions about the movement. It is not always conducive to believe or agree with someone’s opinion without doing digging deeper. In the case of the following “myths”, I agree.

            One of the myths mentioned in "Singing Civil Rights” is that the role of woman in the success and/or effectiveness of the civil rights movements. According to the reading, Reed, thinks that woman don’t get the credit they deserve for their contributions. Dorothy  Heightv, Shirley Chisholm, Fannie Lou Hamer, Daisy Bates, Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King amongst many many others.

            Directly connected to the first myth and a myth, not by accident or by popular demand. Many people believe that Dr. Martin Luther King was the one and only mastermind of the movement they believed that it began and ended with him. As we saw in the documentary the eyes on the prize, 26 year old MLK  was asked to lead the protest against bus segregation. In his response he said that if there was no one else to do it he would do it. Clearly there was a movement all ready since he was asked to help. I can only name a few names of people and organizations that steamed the movement. Even before there was a movement countless individuals lost their lives standing up for what today we call civil rights.
The ugly truth about this myth, the root of this “ignorance” is no accident. portraying King as the only champion of the civil right movement, hides the true horrors and suffering inflicted by the institutionalization of hate. In high schools around the country, students are taught the glory of this country by hiding the ugly mistakes to inspire a

            Superficial sense of  pride in its population from young. Pride is good, but it should come form understanding of the evolution of the nation. MLK name should definitely be celebrated along many others champions of the movement. If the understanding of what really went on, the reason why great leaders like him where forced to rise is not there, then we are not really honoring them the right way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Castro - I agree with you that the hero-worship of MLK can be inspiring but also destructive - it makes us forget that a movement is more than anything a lot of hard work.

    Some of your text isn't reading on my computer -check the coloring to make sure we can read it.
